Online Public Transportation as Our Main Driver
We can find a lot of online public transportation nowadays such as Grab, Go-Jek, Uber, etc. In many variations of the vehicle like motorcycle, car, and taxi. There are some benefits and losses that we could include with online public transportation. The benefits are we can make a little time to take us to another place, so we don't need to be the worry with the time from the way how some person awaits the driver to pick us up. Another advantage is the price is very reasonable and transparent. So we can manage our money with how much that it cost for a single trip and indeed, it'll be very cheap.
As we talked about the advantages, there's no way we miss the losses so we need to pay attention while we are using online public transportation to get rid of it. Start with the security, we can't even guarantee for a trip that we gonna take, whether our driver will take us to the venue that we had set on our smartphone earlier. Other losses are we will indirectly vanish traditional transportation like Ojek, Becak, Delman and other traditional transportation. We do still need that to regenerate the application of historic transportation for the future of our nation.
Besides all the advantages and the losses of online public transportation. Invoulenteerly, if a person uses an online transportation. We just help a person, a company, and a nation to take them to their better life, especially in the economy factor. We just help the society living. Although there are many conflicts about online public transportation against offline public transportation. There is only one thing that we need to know which is hard work, teamwork, that lead to better general social life is greater than we fight one each other for winning their own egos and dismiss the other one.
We can take the conclusion that Online Public Transportation does matter. For our generation, for the future of our generation, we need it to be ready and stand still for the evolution of the era, the revolution of the world. One of the signs of the revolution of the world is the public transportation. How do we use the transportation, how do we manage it to make it practical ways of our life, and then how do we be a good passenger or either driver in online public transportation itself. As long as we can overcome those problems, we can take it to the evolution of online public transportation in this entire world.
Besides all the advantages and the losses of online public transportation. Invoulenteerly, if a person uses an online transportation. We just help a person, a company, and a nation to take them to their better life, especially in the economy factor. We just help the society living. Although there are many conflicts about online public transportation against offline public transportation. There is only one thing that we need to know which is hard work, teamwork, that lead to better general social life is greater than we fight one each other for winning their own egos and dismiss the other one.
We can take the conclusion that Online Public Transportation does matter. For our generation, for the future of our generation, we need it to be ready and stand still for the evolution of the era, the revolution of the world. One of the signs of the revolution of the world is the public transportation. How do we use the transportation, how do we manage it to make it practical ways of our life, and then how do we be a good passenger or either driver in online public transportation itself. As long as we can overcome those problems, we can take it to the evolution of online public transportation in this entire world.
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